Olmste(a)ds by Another Name

I (Walt Steesy) am fascinated by how individuals are named by their parents. There are common naming patterns coming out of Europe where children are given names based on a hierarchy from the parent’s families that honors the parents, grandparents, uncles, and aunts. My brother and I fall into that pattern. My sister received a name of a character in a movie, probably the first one my parents saw as a married couple, but they didn’t get to use it until seven years later.

One might think, with the much greater ethnic diversity in our country today, that we would see a decline in children being born in the twenty-first century carrying an ancestors family name as a first or middle name. That does not seem to be the case.

Forty years ago while digging deeper into Olmste(a)d families around the country, I found many where a child’s mother or grandparent was an Olmste(a)d and the child often was given the name. I also discovered a number of individuals with the name Olmste(a)d who I could not tie to an ancestor. And thus began my list presented below.

Individuals included have either the “first” or “middle” name of Olmstead or Olmsted or are descendants with an initial “O” that might stand for Olmstead, Olmsted, or Omstead, as they have an Olmste(a)d ancestor, with their birth date.

As has been my standard for many years, a number in parenthesis with an asterisk (####*) indicates a person listed in the 1912 Olmsted Family in America or its four supplements while just (*) indicates a descendant not listed in the 1912 genealogy.

The fourth column contains the individual ID on WikiTree where you can see the parents and other family members. If there is no entry in the field a profile may not have been created on WikiTree at this time or I haven’t finished looking all of them up as this column was added long after the original table was created.

Interesting statistics as of July 22, 2024, there are 12 with either first name (Olmstead – 7; Olmsted – 5; Omstead – 0) or middle name (483) either Olmstead or Olmsted or Omstead. There are also 80 with a middle initial “O” whose mother was born Olmstead or Olmsted or Omstead or had grandparents Olmstead or Olmsted or Omstead. Of the 576 only 369 (64%) have profiles on WikiTree as of this date. As for first names with a middle name Olmste(a)d, there are 15-John, 14-Charles, 13-William, 9-James, and 6 each Richard, Robert, or Stephen. Ten members of the Kellogg family have Olmste(a)d in their names as do seven Ferris, six each Barnes, Master, Smith, and Williams, and five Hall and Reynolds families that have Olmste(a)d in their names. Also included in this list are five persons who have the family name that have no apparent ties to the family.

Family Name Given Names Birth Date WikiTree ID
ABBEY Simeon O. (1081*) 18 Nov 1827 Abbey-1212
ADAMS Delia Olmstead (*) 1845 Adams-33924
Charles Olmstead (8170*) 10 Jan 1890 Adams-37987
Frank Olmstead (*) 26 Aug 1912 Adams-32139
ALGER Dexter Olmstead (*) 19 Dec 1806 Alger-1093
ALLEN Abijah Olmsted (5452*) 1829 Allen-48240
Elizabeth Olmsted (1977*) 27 Jan 1821 Allen-48243
Jonathan Olmsted (906*) c1794 Allen-48242
Simeon Olmsted (2209*) 20 Aug 1834 Allen-48244
Simeon Olmsted (2210*) 28 Dec 1837 Allen-48246
ALI Laylah O. (*) 9 Aug 1968
ALVARADO James Olmstead (*) 29 Jan 1987
AMES Harry Olmstead (*) 10 Aug 1891 Ames-4306
ANDREWS Marlin Olmsted (*) 6 Jun 1894 Andrews-15187
Marlin Olmsted, Jr. (10688*) 11 Jun 1918 Andrews-15188
ANTOZZI William Olmsted (*) 19 Jun 1912 Antozzi-2
William Olmsted, Jr. (*) 7 Jul 1946 Antozzi-3
William Olmsted, III (*) c1980
ARMSTRONG Raymond O. (*) 6 May 1890 Armstrong-18387
ATWATER Juliette Olmstead (*) 27 Jan 1895 Atwater-1069
William Olmstead (9934*) 22 Nov 1848 Atwater-1068
William Olmstead, Jr. (*) 6 Jan 1897 Atwater-1070
ATWOOD Maria O. (*) 20 Jul 1796 Atwood-3721
AVERY Silas Olmsted (6365*) 11 Mar 1834 Avery-9523
BABCOCK Caroline Olmsted (8125*) 21 Oct 1866 Babcock-11510
Clara Olmsted (6918*) 11 Jun 1858 Babcock-8430
Mary Olmsted (6517*) 7 Aug 1844 Babcock-149
BAGLEY James Olmstead (*) 22 Nov 1950
BAILEY Henry Olmstead May 1860 Bailey-34910
BANCROFT Samuel Olmsted (1201*) 1 May 1796 Bancroft-2666
BANKS James Olmstead c1860 Banks-12526
Ralph Olmstead 28 Nov 1889 Banks-12530
BARKER Philip O. (*) 6 Jun 1836 Barker-17170
BARNES Albert Olmsted (1410*) 19 Nov 1831 Barnes-26950
Elbert O. (1762*) 10 Feb 1838
Elsie Olmsted (7606*) 27 Sep 1862 Barnes-17377
James Olmsted (*) c.1860-1865
Maria Olmsted (1407*) 12 Sep 1822 Barnes-26949
Ralph Olmsted (1417*) 22 Jun 1822 Barnes-27295
BARTON Caroline Olmsted (8125*) 21 Oct 1866
Edward Olmsted (8836*) 20 Aug 1907
BASSETT Charles Olmstead (*) 16 Jul 1856 Bassett-6207
BEACH David O. (*) 5 Dec 1796 Beach -2250
Roswell Olmsted (2927*) 28 Sep 1861 Beach-4946
BEARDEN John Olmstead (*) 21 Feb 1914 Bearden – 1189
John Olmstead (*) 26 Jun 1937 Bearden – 1826
BEATTY-BOYD Frances Olmstead 30 Nov 1915 Beatty-Boyd-1
BECKETT Kenneth Olmstead 15 Mar 1908 Beckett-2227
BEDSON David Ian Olmstead (*) 10 Aug 1980 Bedson-44
BEERS Jean Olmsted (*) 5 Mar 1915 Beers-1972
BENNETT James O. (*) 1804 Bennett-36439
BETTS Charles Olmstead (4998*) 7 Mar 1811 Betts-4189
Charles Olmstead (*) Oct 1848 Betts-4241
BINGHAM Charles Olmsted (1724*) 12 Jul 1833 Bingham-4256
BISALSKI Robert Olmstead (*) 19 May 1949
BISHOP Clarissa Olmstead (*) 14 Nov 1889 Bishop-15956
BLANCHARD Elizabeth O. (*) 3 Oct 1903 Blanchard-7556
BLYTHE Olmstead Sherwood (2053*) 5 May 1850 Blythe-1073
Olmstead Sherwood, Jr. (*) 15 May 1888 Blythe-1074
BOBROFF David Olmsted (*) 28 Jun 1957
Theodore Olmsted (*) 8 Jun 1959
BONHAM Everett Olmsted (6719*) 30 Jan 1858 Bonham-1130
BORDEN Elizabeth Olmsted (*) 21 Aug 1964
BOTTJE Glen Olmsted (*) 4 May 1951 Bottje-2
BOVEY Harry Olmsted (3766c*) 19 Jul 1906 Bovey-105
BRADSHAW Almon Olmstead (5918*) 19 Oct 1828 Bradshaw-1941
Maie Olmstead (*) 23 May 1872
BRANSON Nicholas Olmstead (*) 6 Apr 1984 Branson-654
BRIGHTMAN George Olmsted (3130*) 2 Jul 1894 Brightman-576
BRIMMER Ruth Olmstead (*) 9 Jan 1916 Brimmer-521
BROWN Francis O. (1727*) 23 Feb 1835
Harriet Olmsted (2000*) c1840s
John Olmstead (*) 1839 Brown-123029
Stephen Olmstead (*) 27 Jan 1782 Brown-38778
Ziba Olmstead (*) 14 Sep 1868 Brown-123034
BROWNELL Dorothy O. (*) Nov 1897
BRUSH Melvin Olmstead (*) 26 Jun 1921 Brush-518
BUDINGTON Aaron Olmstead (*) 24 Apr 1807 Budington-46
Charles Olmstead (*) 2 Dec 1832 Budington-48
BULKELEY Olmsted (932*) 18 Feb 1787 Bulkeley-637
BUNCE Sarah Olmsted (6882*) 1840s Bunce-1406
BURDETT Edgar Olmstead (9038*) 4 Aug 1908 Burdett-1509
BURNHAM Emma Olmsted (2445*) 14 Nov 1857 Burnham-4844
BURTON Frank Olmsted (2403*) 22 Mar 1851
Law O. (*) 16 Sep 1903 Burton-4639
BUTLER Alice Olmstead (not a desc) 22 Jun 1845
Elizabeth Olmstead (10104*) 16 Mar 1842 Butler-32937
Ellis Olmstead (10121*) 31 Jan 1914 Butler-13829
George Olmstead (10110*) 8 Dec 1873 Butler-32943
Sage Olmstead (10100*) 3 May 1809 Butler-32935
CAMPBELL Clarence Olmstead (*) 10 Feb 1907
Derick Olmstead (*) 20 Nov 1980 Campbell-18854
Fred O. c.1901
Reuben Olmstead (*) 11 Jul 1825
CANFIELD Frank Olmsted (3872*) 8 Nov 1910 Canfield-2373
CARPENTER Joseph Olmsted (2311*) 5 Apr 1855
Nathaniel Olmsted (1100*) 21 Sep 1820
CARMICHAEL Angus O. (*) Apr 1863
CAROTHERS Charles Olmsted (10626*) 2 Aug 1923 Carothers-723
CARROLL George O. (2162*) 10 Aug 1831
CASTLE Nathan Olmstead (*) c1806
CATLIN Rufus Olmsted (7221*) c1860
CHAMPLIN Everett O. (*) 19 Nov 1904 Champlin-1087
CHAPIN Elizabeth Olmsted (1337*) 20 Sep 1851 Chapin-3028
CHAMPION John O. (3234*) 31 Jul 1874
CHASE Leroy Olmsted (*) 31 Dec 1924
CHICHESTER Aaron Olmsted (6347*) c1850s Chichester-977
CHRISTIE Elayne Olmsted (*) 18 May 1977
Jennifer Olmsted (*) 18 Dec 1979
CLARK Gareth Olmsted (9044*) 5 Oct 1903 Clark-76364
CLARKE Grace Olmsted (3264*) 3 Nov 1882 Clarke-16780
CLEVELAND Myrtle O. (*) 1895-1900
COLE Gregory Olmstead (*) 7 Aug 1988
COLLINS Harold Olmstead (*) 5 May 1939 Collins-35981
COLWELL Merville Olmstead (*) 23 Jul 1912
CONE Olmstead (10405*) 2 Jan 1809 Cone-1667
CONOVER David Olmstead 26 Aug 1953 Conover-786
CONROD Dianne Olmstead (*) 13 Sep 1967 Conrod-73
COPELAND Olmsted Rufus (3618*) 18 Jul 1906 Copeland-5044
Olmsted Rufus, Jr. 19 Aug 1940 Copeland-5046
COOK Sherman Olmstead (*) 13 Jul 1886
Winthrop Olmsted (9046*) 15 Nov 1907 Cook-45020
COWLES Charles Olmsted (3866*) Nov 1907
CROFT Royal Olmsted (*) 3 Aug 1892 Croft-890
CROSS Janet Olmsted (*) 20 Aug 1959
Julie Olmsted (*) 1 Feb 1958
CULVER Clifford Olmsted (3777p*) 19 Apr 1908
CURTIS Barton Olmsted (10296*) 1 Aug 1868 Curtis-17397
CUSHING Elizabeth O. (*) 11 Dec 1863 Cushing-3004
Seneca O. (*) 3 Jun 1838 Cushing-3003
CUTLER Holton O. (2167*) 21 Apr 1843
8 Nov 1876 Dallman-114
DAMON William O. (*) 19 Nov 1923
DANIELS Charles Olmsted (2629*) Jan 1835
DANIELSON Clair Dailey Olmsted (*) 12 Feb 1980
Martin Richard Olmsted (*) 3 Jan 1988
Peter Rudolph Olmsted (*) 22 Jan 1984
DAVENPORT Charles Olmsted (1428*) 1 Nov 1827 Davenport-8558
Francis Olmsted (1433*) 25 Aug 1842 Davenport-8563
DAVIS Charles Olmsted (8227*) 16 Jan 1843 Davis-95504
Frank Olmsted (*) 2 Dec 1876 Davis-101659
DAWSON Daniel Olmstead (*) Feb 1842 Dawson-8887
DAY Stephen O. (*) 21 Aug 1777 Day-3132
DEFOREST Ira Olmstead 4 May 1794 DeForest-777
DEMING Henry Olmsted (1212*) 9 Jul 1809
DISBROW Nathan Olmstead (*) c1801
DISTIN Drew Olmsted (*) 5 Nov 1961
DOHERTY Andrew Olmsted (*) c1967
DONNELL Robert Olmstead (*) 1917-1999
DOOTSON Jerome Olmstead 24 Sep 1934 Dootson-46
DOPKINS Theodore Aaron Olmsted (*) 14 Aug 2000 Dopkins-27
DOSTER William O. 30 Dec 1933 Doster-434
DOUGHERTY William Olmsted (*) 25 Feb 1943
DOUGLASS Jean Olmstead (10294*) 5 Jun 1907
DRAKE Theon Olmstead (*) 1802 Drake-9716
DRESSER John Olmsted (3151*) 11 Oct 1879
DRUMMOND Jane Olmsted 17 Sep 1965 Drummond-3240
DUNNING Richard Olmstead (7402*) 26 Feb 1861 Dunning-2500
DUTCHER Sidney Olmstead 3 Nov 1915 Dutcher-752
DWIGHT William Olmsted (2179*) 10 Apr 1854
EAKIN Ruth Olmstead (*) 19 Aug 1891 Eakin-225
ECKBERG Nathan Olmstead (*) 11 Jun 1986
EMMONS Olmsted (958*) c1810 Emmons-924
ENNIS Olmstead Sherwood (*) 21 Jun 1923 Ennis-1936
EVANS Christopher Olmsted (*) 24 Jul 1961 Evans-30962
Darey O. (*) 23 Oct 1961 Evans-22537
Graham Olmstead (*) c. 1995 Evans-30955
EWELL Susan Olmsted (*) 27 Mar 1938 Ewell-420
FAIRLEY Jack Olmsted (*) 2 Mar 1991 Fairley-446
FERRIS Nathan Olmsted (5305*) 11 Feb 1801 Ferris-2895
Nathan Olmsted (6854*) 22 Jan 1833 Ferris-2896
Olmstead F. (*) May 1870 Ferris-2893
Olmstead H. (*) c1861 Ferris-2898
Robert Olmsted (8314*) 17 Jan 1857 Ferris-2899
Willard Olmstead (*) 9 Aug 1897 Ferris-2894
FINKEL Karl Olmstead (*) 27 Apr 1899 Finkel-148
FISHER James Olmsted (*) 5 Aug 1948
FLINT Charles O. c1875 Flint-1224
Olmsted c1818 Flint-1223
FLOWER Franklin Olmsted (10578*) 25 Aug 1926 Flower-792
FLOYD Cheryl Jean Olmsted (*) 18 Dec 1966
FOOTE Dolly Olmsted (*) 3 Mar 1797
FORBES James Olmsted (1361*) 2 Sep 1813 Forbes-6030
FOSTER James Olmstead (*) 4 May 1824 Foster-9280
FOX Fenton Olmsted (3822a*) 25 Jul 1898 Fox-22706
Lewis Olmsted (*) 27 Oct 1924 Fox-22732
FREEMAN Craig Olmsted (*) 8 Mar 1950
Douglas Olmsted (*) 8 Jun 1952
Mark Olmsted (*) 28 Sep 1953
Ward Olmsted (*) 17 Nov 1957
FRENCH Harry Olmsted (7424*) 13 Sep 1881 French-9674
Olmstead Adam (*) 1871 French-4867
Olmstead Adam, Jr. (*) 1871 French-4868
FRY Henry Olmstead (*) 19 Sep 1916 Fry-7396
Henry Olmstead (*) 1 Dec 1949 Fry-7397
FURNISS Herbert Olmsted (2801*) 17 Sep 1860 Furniss-286
GAGE Harvey Olmstead 6 Sep 1833 Gage-3279
GAINES James Olmstead (*) 30 Jun 1903
GARVIN Julia Olmstead 1840-1850 Garvin-1529
GEDNEY Edwin Olmstead 9 Jul 1830 Gedney-273
GENEST Mark Olmstead (*) 18 Jul 1939 Genest-371
GERARDS Richard Olmstead (*) 4 Jan 1931
GILBERT Edward Olmstead (*) 12 May 1888 Gilbert-22599
Olmsted B. 1821
GILES George Olmstead (5312c*) 1816 Giles-7077
GILL Elizabeth Olmsted (*) 25 Sep 1974
GILLETTE William Olmstead (10265*) 14 May 1883 Gillette-524
GILMORE Dwight Olmsted (2172*) 2 Nov 1837
Gage Olmsted (*) 30 Apr 1977
GOLDTHWAIT John Olmsted (3314*) Sep 1875
GOODRICH Ezekiel Olmsted 1 Oct 1773 Goodrich-2369
John Olmsted (1990*) c1840 Goodrich-7945
Olmsted (*) 22 May 1762 Goodrich-2346
GOODWIN Edwin Olmsted (1130*) 24 Nov 1819 Goodwin-9900
Hannah Olmsted (494*) 4 Jul 1781 Goodwin-9901
Samuel Olmsted (2330*) 21 Feb 1845 Goodwin-13207
GORDON Arthur O. (*) 8 Aug 1874 Gordon-19548
GRANT Jean Olmstead (*) 12 May 1910
GRATTAN Frank Olmstead (*) 3 Feb 1880 Grattan-60
GREEN David O. (*) c1850
Mary Olmsted (*) 29 Mar 1963 Greene-12689
William O. (2276*) 10 Aug 1854
GREGORY Elmer Olmstead (*) 12 Feb 1852
Harry Olmstead (*) 9 May 1825
Nathan O. (*) 23 Dec 1802
Stephen Olmstead (*) 11 Apr 1790 Gregory-11173
Stephen Olmstead (*) 9 Feb 1811 Gregory-14343
GREMM Zenada O. (10592*) 6 Jan 1875
GRISWOLD John Olmsted (*) 22 Jul 1913
GUSH Kathryn O. (*) 28 Apr 1896 Gush-243
HALL Barbara Olmstead 1950-1975
Mortimer Olmsted (*) 8 Jan 1898
Olmstead c.1838 Hall-52964
Owen Olmstead 25 Feb 1930 Hall-52963
Robert Olmsted (*) 18 Oct 1890
HAMLIN John Olmsted 11 Mar 1901 Hamlin-1768
Robert Olmstead (*) 1955-1960
HANFORD John O. (6513*) 28 Nov 1874
HARVEY Charles Olmstead (*) Jan 1846 Harvey-9678
HEALY Lois Olmstead (3939*) 30 Oct 1903 Healy-3011
HEATH Harvey Olmstead (*) 15 Apr 1855 Heath-1031
Wiley Olmstead (*) 6 Jan 1886 Heath-7428
HELLYER Elizabeth Olmsted (*) 8 Feb 1916 Hellyer-783
Frances Olmsted (8775*) 16 Oct 1907 Hellyer-782
William Olmsted (7948*) 10 Jun 1869 Hellyer-774
HERMANS Colin Olmsted 4 May 1936 Hermans-348
HERTY William Olmsted (*) 25 Feb 1943
HEWITT Ransom Olmstead (*) c. 1826 Hewitt-6224
HICKS Justin Olmstead (*) 15 Sep 1976 Hicks-19387
HIGH Alexander Olmsted (*) 23 Sep 1944 High-960
HILLHOUSE Charles Olmstead (*) 5 Nov 1903 Hillhouse-220
HILLMAN Frances Olmsted (9009*) 3 Aug 1901 Hillman-1650
John Olmsted (9010*) 28 Jun 1903 Hillman-1651
John Olmsted (*) abt. 1975
Richard Olmsted (*) 5 Oct 1946 Hillman-2004
HILLIS Stephen Olmstead (*) 29 Aug 1876
HOADLEY George Olmstead 27 Jul 1872 Hoadley-660
HODGSON Jeremy Neil Olmsted (*) 1 Oct 1943 Hodgson-4851
HOGAN Harold Olmstead (*) 2 May 1894 Hogan-6061
Harold Olmstead, Jr. (*) 23 May 1926 Hogan-6060
HOLCOMBE Natalie Olmsted (8883*) 16 Feb 1890 Holcombe-1670
HOLMES Carroll Olmsted (8553*) 16 Apr 1874 Holmes-23483
David Olmstead (10489*) 26 Jun 1926 Holmes-4539
William Olmsted (2549*) 28 Jun 1842 Holmes-4560
William Olmsted, II (10477*) 23 Sep 1894 Holmes-452
William Olmsted (10486*) 20 Jul 1923 Holmes-21875
HOLTZ Belinda Olmsted (*) 19 Mar 1938
HOMMEL Carlton Olmsted (*) 7 Apr 1929 Hommel-261
Frederick Olmsted (*) 10 May 1962 Hommel-263
HOOPER Frederick Olmsted (8001*) 20 Aug 1879 Hooper-3074
HOPPE Julie Marie Olmstead (*) 26 Feb 1987 Hoppe-1021
HORTON Grace Olmsted (2809*) 11 Aug 1879 Horton-11865
HOWE Brooke Olmsted (*) 11 Mar 1971 Howe-14137
HOYT Chauncey Olmsted (6548*) 30 Nov 1824 Hoyt-5257
HUDSON George Austin Olmstead (*) 2 Nov 1892 Hudson-18435
HUNTER Harold O. (*) 1880 Hunter-27301
HURLBURT Joseph Olmsted (1304*) 31 Jul 1822 Hurlburt-860
HURLBUTT David Olmsted (7283*) 27 Jan 1859 Hurlbutt-181
HYATT Philip O. (6551*) 15 Jan 1822
INGERSOLL Monfort Olmstead (*) 14 Jan 1951 Ingersoll-562
ISDELL Samuel Olmstead (*) 23 Aug 1838 Isdell-12
IVES Barbara O. (*) c. 1913
Edwin Olmstead (*) 3 Apr 1880 Ives-2871
JACOBS Flora Hannah Olmstead (*) 20 Oct 1870 Jacobs-17416
JEFFERS Warren O. (*) 8 May 1867
JENKINS Louis Olmsted c1870
Richard Olmsted c1931
JESSEN Paul Olmsted (*) c1931 Jessen-356
JOHNSON Frederick Olmsted (*) c1920 Johnson-60421
John O. (*) c1832 Johnson-103907
JONES Lewis Olmsted (*) 29 Dec 1833 Jones-142059
Rhiannon Olmsted (*) 7 Nov 2019
Tom Olmsted (3704*) 21 Apr 1886
JOUBERT Madeline Olmsted (9672*) 3 Dec 1907
JULIAN Richard Olmstead (*) 6 Mar 1933 Julian-2259
KEELER George Olmsted (5961* ) 8 Oct 1835 Keeler-1974
Millicent Olmstead (*) 4 Jan 1788 Keeler-1975
Nathan Olmstead (*) 15 Jan 1877 Keeler-1976
William Olmstead (*) 17 Sep 1790
KELLOGG Abigail Olmsted (*) 22 Jun 1812 Kellogg-2936
John Olmsted (1967*) c1837 Kellogg-3717
John Olmsted (*) 20 Sep 1899
John Olmsted (*) 15 Oct 1897 Kellogg-3719
John Olmsted (*) 5 Jul 1964 Kellogg-3722
Justus Olmstead (*) 27 Jan 1835 Kellogg-3712
Klay Olmsted 1961 Kellogg-3723
Nathaniel Olmsted (*) 26 Feb 1796 Kellogg-3715
Nathaniel Olmsted (*) 17 Apr 1854 Kellogg-3726
Simeon Olmsted (*) 11 Aug 1823 Kellogg-1610
KELLY Michael Olmsted (*) 6 Jan 1973
KENYON Guy Olmstead (*) 27 Sep 1906 Kenyon-3089
Ralph Olmstead (*) 27 Nov 1900 Kenyon-3088
KETCHUM Clara Olmsted (7381*) 10 Dec 1863 Ketchum-1441
William Olmsted (7376*) 30 Dec 1850 Ketchum-1440
KINDON Charles Olmstead
(unknown relationship)
18 Jun 1912 Kindon-12
KING Charles Olmsted (3291*) 29 Jan 1854 King-48866
KINGSBURY Anna Olmsted (694*) 29 Jul 1792 Kingsbury-717
KIRK Samuel K. O. (6560*) 19 Aug 1834 Kirk-8971
KNAPP Daniel Olmstead (*) 2 Oct 1867 Knapp-4827
KNOOP Maude Olmstead (*) 1 Jun 1896 Knoop-238
KNOWLTON George Olmstead (*) Jan 1865 Knowlton-3002
KOHLHASS Daniel Olmsted (*) 24 Aug 1970
KREUTTER Ellis Olmstead (*) 27 May 1903 Kreutter-18
KUEKLE Edwin Olmstead (*) 12 Aug 1908
LANDERS Harold Olmstead (*) c1925 Landers-2145
LANG Emery Olmsted (*) 6 Jun 1923 Lang-6594
LAWSON Jonathan Olmsted (*) 29 Aug 1946
LAY John Olmstead (*) 1785-1800 Lay-3031
LEE Loring Olmsted abt 1918 Lee-29310
LENNON Charles Olmsted (*) 26 Jan 1948
LEONARD Candace O. (*) 1844 Leonard-15237
LEOPOLD Carl O. (*) Aug 1898
LIPMAN James Olmstead (*) 10 Feb 1919 Lipman-153
LOCKWOOD Nathan Olmstead (*) 2 Jan 1799 Lockwood-5980
LOUNSBERRY John Olmsted 28 Sep 1928 Lounsberry-125
LOWRY John O. 1924 Lowry-4814
Robert Olmstead (*) 23 Feb 1888 Lowry-4813
MacAYEAL John Olmsted (*) 23 Sep 1927 MacAyeal-2
MACK Clinton Olmsted (10609*) 29 Sep 1907 Mack-3025
MALLERY Stephen Olmstead (*) 17 May 1817 Mallery-191
MANSFIELD Artena O. (3284*) 5 Jul 1866
Lora Olmsted (3282*) 19 Aug 1859
MARSHALL Caroline Olmsted (3438*) 18 Feb 1875 Marshall-28190
MARSTELLA Richard Olmstead (*) 1902 Marstella-7
Richard Olmstead, Jr. (*) 25 Jan 1930 Marstella-9
MARTIN Archer Olmstead (*) 6 Dec 1879 Martin-79172
MARX Benjamin Olmsted (*) 20 Mar 1996
James Olmsted (*) 6 Jan 1966
MASTER George Olmsted (*) 23 Mar 1914 Master-266
George Olmsted (*) 11 Oct 1947 Master-274
Peter Olmsted (*) 6 Dec 1973 Master-281
William Olmsted (3788*) 23 Jul 1903 Master-263
William Olmsted (*) 7 May 1937 Master-267
William Olmsted III (*) 24 May 1965 Master-276
MAXSON Ward Olmsted (3933*) 15 Aug 1900 Maxson-785
MAXWELL Michael Olmstead (*) 22 Sep 1962 Maxwell-11403
MAY Mellisa Marie Olmstead (*) 15 Jun 1975
McALLISTER Clyde Olmsted (*) 23 Mar 1908 McAllister-2086
McCRAY Isaac Olmsted (*) 17 Jan 1810 McCray-744
McCLOUD Robert Olmsted (*) 15 Jan 1918 McCloud-1082
Robert Olmsted, Jr. (*) 7 Dec 1951 McCloud-1103
McEWAN Ross Olmstead (*) 5 Sep 1899 McEwan-2363
McFARLANE Frances O. (*) 3 Sep 1922 McFarlane-3309
McGUIRE Meave Olmstead (*) 29 Sep 1998
McKINNEY Stephen Olmsted (*) 17 Nov 1945 McKinney-8742
McMASTER Thomas O. 3 Dec 1925 McMaster-1478
MEADER Willard Olmsted (6944*) 4 Mar 1866
MEGLEMRY Harry Olmstead (*) 1870 Meglemry-2
MERCHANT David Olmstead (6140*) 11 Sep 1841
MERCK Charles Olmstead 4 Nov 1901 Merck-107
MERRILL Harry Olmstead (*) 28 Jan 1876 Merrill-5663
MERWIN Alice Olmstead (*) 3 Jan 1893 Merwin-696
Jane Olmstead (*) 28 Feb 1938 Merwin-697
MICHAUD Michael Olmstead (*) 5 May 1985
MIDDLEBROOK Charles O. (*) 10 Aug 1852
Chauncey O. (8151*) 26 May 1851
MILKS Lynn Olmstead (*) 30 Apr 1920
MILLER Alexander Olmstead (*) 1946
Stephen Olmstead (*) 1900
MITCHELL Chance Olmsted (*) 15 Sep 1977
MOODY Lepha Olmstead (*) 10 Dec 1909
MOORE Ellen Olmsted (8873*) 1890-1910 Moore-71564
MOREANO Keir Olmsted (*) 18 Sep 1982
MORLEY George Olmsted 29 Mar 1924 Morley-2910
MORRIS Helen Olmstead 14 Jan 1922 Morris-31349
MOSS Joseph Olmsted (7971*) 22 Jan 1869
MOYER Haverly Olmstead (*) 10 Jul 1805
MURATORI Michael Olmstead 22 Feb 1962
NASH Hiram O. (*) 22 Mar 1811
Michael Olmsted (*) 1954
Samuel Olmsted (4413*) 12 Mar 1778 Nash-6718
NEWMAN Rodney Olmsted 4 Jul 1907 Newman-12059
Rodney Olmsted, Jr. 6 Jun 1928 Newman-12061
NEWVILLE Charlotte Olmsted (*) 17 Oct 2003
NILES John Olmsted (2360*) 24 Mar 1863
R. Olmsted c1835
Sorena Olmsted (*) 16 Jan 1904
NORTHROP Hiram Olmstead (5219*) 20 Jul 1804 Nothrop-1
OLSEN Grady Olmstead (*) 20 Nov 1994 Olsen-4172
OSBORN Elizabeth Olmstead (*) 6 May 1990 Osborn-3052
Frank O. (3128a*) 6 Jan 1903
Henry Olmstead (*) 28 Feb 1993 Osborn-3053
OSWALT Michael Olmsted (*) 11 Dec 1955 Oswalt-823
PALIN Thomas O. (*) Sep 1880
Thomas O., Jr. (*) 1917
PALTER William Olmsted (8204*) 9 Oct 1874
PARKER Charles Olmstead (*) 1840-1850 Parker-40743
PARROTT Nancy Olmstead (*) 1950-1959
PAUL Mary Olmsted (3233*) 6 Jul 1868
PEET Olmstead (10283*) 19 May 1912 Peet-264
PELTON Mary Olmsted (3736*) 26 Jun 1875 Pelton-1285
PETERSON William Olmsted Feb 1848 Peterson-13490
PHILLIPS Richard Olmstead 2 Feb 1933 Phillips-32023
PFENNING Barbara Omstead 28 Sep 1918 Pfenning -24
PICKETT Almira Olmsted 24 Mar 1810 Pickett-1415
PIERCE Jonathan O. (*) c1795 Pierce-12902
PIERSON Howard Olmstead (8644*) 24 Apr 1884 Pierson-1979
PINNEY Jonathan Olmsted (891*) 1 Aug 1801 Pinney-593
PITKIN Ellen Olmsted (2429*) 3 Nov 1861
POLTRACK Arthur Olmsted (*) 15 May 1958
POMEROY Grove Olmsted (*) 25 Jan 1811 Pomeroy-155
John O. (*) 1870 Pomeroy-2357
POOLE Charles Olmstead (*) 6 Nov 1914
PRICE William Olmstead (*) 26 Jan 1917 Price-9486
PRINCE Merle O. (*) 1930-1945
PULMAN Ziperah O. (*) 24 Dec 1810
PORTER Stephen Olmsted (7516*) 26 Jun 1863 Porter-9633
QUICK Olmstead Delevan (*) 22 Jul 1811 Quick-3781
RALSTON Gary Olmsted (*) 31 May 1946
RAYMOND Samuel Olmstead (*) c1780
Samuel Olmstead (*) 2 Jun 1825
READ Ernest Olmstead (6699g*) 3 Oct 1892
REID Sarah Olmsted (*) c1915
REMINGTON Ambrose O. (*) 5 Dec 1813
REYNOLDS Cora Olmstead (*) 11 Aug 1883
Floyd Olmsted (3777m*) 3 Jan 1896
Frances Olmstead (8104*) 14 Mar 1892
Frederick Olmsted (1124*) 12 Jul 1819 Reynolds-28267
Isabella Olmstead (8103*) 19 Sep 1888
RHODES Harvey Olmstead (*) 26 Jun 1829
RHOUTSONG Olmstead 30 Oct 1883 Rhoutsong-2
RICH Justus Olmstead (*) 28 Aug 1813 Rich-8073
RICHARDS Harriet Olmsted (1480*) 22 Jun 1830 Richards-21600
RIDER Annie Olmsted 1834 Rider-2606
RINER Jane Olmsted (*) 4 Sep 1918 Riner-66
RITTENHOUSE Hawley Olmsted (7830*) c1849 Rittenhouse-1210
ROBERTS Harold Olmstead 28 Aug 1931 Roberts-35659
ROCKWELL Nathan O. (*) 1812 Rockwell-1324
RODERICK Emily Olmsted (*) 21 Dec 1939
RUST Linda Olmsted (*) 30 Jun 1952
RYAN Kate Olmstead (*) 20 Jun 1979
SALTMARSH Esther Olmstead (*) 17 Dec 1790 Saltmarsh-263
Ernest Olmstead (*) 15 Dec 1848 Saltmarsh-88
Samuel Olmsted (*) c1786 Saltmarsh-262
SAMSON Paul Olmsted (8633*) 17 Nov 1892 Sampson-1703
SAYLOR Walter Olmstead (*) 18 Aug 1889 Saylor-1055
SEYMOUR Allyn Olmsted (3589*) 14 Aug 1887 Seymour-4867
Charles Olmsted (7711*) 14 Aug 1855 Seymour-5896
Dennison Olmsted (2648*) 2 Apr 1845 Seymour-4862
Samuel Olmstead 27 Jul 1846 Seymour-6873
SHARP Pauline Olmstead (*) 27 Mar 1901 Sharp-11928
SHELDON Asa Olmsted (1041*) 6 Dec 1809
SIMMONS Kent Olmstead (*) 26 Apr 1969 Simmons-8370
Lucy Olmstead (*) 15 Aug 1847
SKINNER Lucy Olmstead 7 Mar 1889 Skinner-7692
SLAUSON Elizabeth O. (6555*) 8 Dec 1829 Slauson-89
SMALLEY Daniel Olmsted 11 Sep 1905 Smalley-1393
SMITH Clareta Olmstead (10313*) 12 Dec 1886 Smith-268326
Deborah Olmsted (*) 15 May 1945 Smith-328203
Harvey Olmstead (8716*) 20 Dec 1892 Smith-41730
John O. (7359*) 31 Jul 1817 Smith-327566
Sylvester Olmsted (912*) 2 Feb 1804 Smith-260057
Virginia Olmstead (*) 15 Feb 1918 Smith-296014
SNOW Marshall Olmsted (7643*) 23 Mar 1852 Snow-7648
SPALDING Katharine Olmstead (8131*) 22 Oct 1866
SPARROW Dorothy Olmstead (*) 9 Sep 1904 Sparrow-191
Marlin Olmsted (*) 21 Dec 1884 Sparrow-1876
SPRAGUE Caroline Olmsted (8237*) 13 May 1869 Sprague-4860
STANLEY Elizabeth Olmsted (1948*) 3 Apr 1825 Stanley-9400
Henry Olmsted (*) 1818 Stanley-15001
STEARNS Stuart Olmsted (3613*) 19 Apr 1891 Stearns-3179
STETTINOUS Henry Olmsted (7532*) 1859 Stettinous-2
STEWART Robert Olmsted (10401*) 7 Jun 1902
STONE Edmund Olmste(a)d c. 1800
John (Don) Olmsted (2964*) 15 May 1886 Stone-13645
John Olmsted, Jr. (*) 13 Apr 1912 Stone-13646
Jonathan Olmsted 15 Nov 1825
STRONG Ellsworth Olmsted (3610*) 12 Jul 1894 Strong-7336
STUART Jacqulyn Olmsted (*) 10 Mar 1951 Stuart-8552
STURGESS Levi O. (5113*) 15 Apr 1827
SWANSON Robert Olmstead (*) 27 May 1931 Swanson-3512
SWEET Walter Olmsted (8986*) 8 Dec 1892 Sweet-5769
SYDNOR Abigail Olmsted (*) 24 Aug 1975 Sydnor-227
SYMONDS Waldo O. (*) 14 Jun 1899 Symonds-1105
TALCOTT Benjamin O. (*) 27 Nov 1814
TAYLOR Daniel Olmste(a)d 1898
Gideon Olmstead (*) 1830 Taylor-108438
Tunis O. (*) c. 1845 Taylor-81117
THOMPSON Clinton O. (8751*) 30 Mar 1866
THORMAN Mildred Olmstead (*) 19 Aug 1913
THORNTON Clark Olmsted 18 Jan 1917 Thornton-4586
THORPE Louise Olmstead (*) 20 Sep 1940 Thorpe-4925
THURTELL Edward Olmsted (3381*) 6 Apr 1873
TICE Chauncey Olmsted (10319*) 1865-1870 Tice-517
TINKER William Olmsted (366*) 17 Oct 1770 Tinker-1030
TOME William Olmsted (10608*) 3 Sep 1924 Tome-67
TOOF Frederick Olmsted (*) 1880-1900 Toof-40
TRACY Albert O (*) 15 Mar 1829 Tracy-2034
Foster O. (*) 1864 Tracy-1968
James Olmstead (*) 22 Nov 1790 Tracy-1755
TRAVELUTE Ward Olmsted (*) 3 Sep 1902 Travelute-5
TREADWELL Olmstead O. L. (00000*) Dec 1896 Treadwell-1180
TRUAX Douglas Olmstead (*) 8 Jan 1942 Truax-726
Lee Olmstead (*) 6 Jun 1908 Truax-725
TUCKER Stephen Olmsted (992*) May 1813 Tucker-22473
TURNER William O. (2078*) 28 Dec 1857
VAN VACTOR Olmsted (*) 1872 Van Vactor-23
VEJAR Allen Olmsted (*) 23 Jun 1931 Vejar-21
Allen Olmsted, Jr. (*) 27 Jan 1963 Vejar-21
WACKER Michael Olmsted (*) 6 Oct 1947 Wacker-693
WADE Clarence O. (8037*) 12 Apr 1869
Eunice Olmsted (*) 1806 Wade-10202
WADSWORTH William O. (2631*) 1836
WALLACE Martin Olmsted (*) 25 Jun 1907 Wallace-6173
WARD Abijah Olmsted (*) 12 Mar 1812 Ward-19355
Florence Olmsted (8165*) 20 Sep 1865 Ward-37638
WARNER Edward Olmsted (2460*) 21 Dec 1870 Warner-15176
WARRINER James Olmsted (2519*) 8 Feb 1847 Warriner-829
WEED Edgar O. (2940*) 8 Sep 1857
WEEKS William Olmsted (*) 6 Mar 1952
WEST Jonathan Larry Olmsted (*) 4 Jun 2000
Jonathan Olmstead (5175*) 11 Aug 1806 West-22720
WETMORE James Olmsted (1394*) 5 Dec 1806 Wetmore-1052
WHEELER Frank Olmsted (7610*) 2 May 1887 Wheeler-9024
Henry Olmsted (*) 12 Nov 1893 Wheeler-26221
Louisa Olmsted (2028*) 24 Dec 1858
WHEELHOUSE Owen Olmstead (*) 7 Jan 2003
WHITE Allen Olmsted (8079*) 7 Jul 1894
WHITNEY James O. (*) 1918 Whitney-9605
WICKHAM Dorothy Olmstead 5 Jan 1903 Wickham-1170
Gail Olmsted (*) 20 May 1948
WIGGINS Levi Olmsted (6530*) 31 Oct 1865 Wiggins-5314
WIGHTMAN Jesse O. 5 Oct 1900
WILBUR Jesse O. (*) 16 Jan 1880 Wilbur-1913
WILLIAMS Frances Olmsted (1426*) c1820-25 Williams-118696
Franklin Olmsted (3445*) 2 Dec 1888 Williams-124802
Harvey Olmstead (*) c1875 Williams-45760
Shirley Olmsted (2490*) 13 Apr 1876 Williams-138223
Walter Olmstead 7 Dec 1931 Williams-98136
Walter Olmstead, Jr. 1957 Williams-98138
WILLIAMSON Donald Olmsted (3922*) 3 Feb 1909 Williamson-18229
WILSON William O. (*) 12 Aug 1868
William Olmsted (*) 21 Dec 1953 Wilson-99317
WINSOR Helen Olmsted (8879*) 17 Jan 1900 Winsor-1505
Mary Olmsted (2902*) 26 Dec 1844 Winsor-1339
WOLFE Fay O. (2750*) 26 Oct 1880
WOLVERTON William Olmstead (8700*) 13 Aug 1862 Wolverton-791
WOODARD Francis Olmsted (*) 16 Nov 1918 Woodard-4011
WOODBRIDGE Martha O. (*) 10 May 1824
WOODBURY Arthur O. (9579*) 20 Apr 1873 Woodbury-725
WOODRUFF Chauncy O. (*) 1815
WOODWARD Orrin Olmsted (2621*) 16 Feb 1832
Warren Olmsted (7736*) 2 May 1891 Woodward-8052
WRIGHT Charles O. (2822*) 26 Dec 1835 Wright-65753

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Place by the Elms © Walt Steesy, 2007-2017
and Olmste(a)d Family Association, 2017-2024
Last Updated July 22, 2024

Email Walt
