Getting a website up and running and adding content takes a lot of time. The real challenge for me was learning to use Facebook which I still don’t quite understand.

Activity on the website in June has primarily been in the development of pages listing military veterans. Thus far World War I (The Great War), World War II, and Vietnam are published for viewing. And readers have already submitted additions. Next will be Korea.

Also in June I started contacting those on my 800+ list of emails gathered over the past twenty years. As expected, many are no longer valid as evidence by a bounce rate of about 40% as I progress through my list.

The message invites readers to follow our Facebook page. A recent reply was from an Olmste(a)d family member who doesn’t use Facebook. I understand the feeling as I really never have. To help those that are not FB users, I’ll try to write a post here on the website (on the News Tab) at least once a month. There will be no automatic notification that it exists so you will have to check it now and then.

